Wednesday, April 27, 2011

All developed nations follow dharma through apt activities

Question : Nowadays, like in Russia, no body considers dharma as a big thing. I have heard Kamal Pasha does not even follow Quran.  At present, having sidelined dharma, many nations are still able to run in an orderly state. Japan is so developed and yet there is no outbreak of any dharma there.1

Shri Shri Thakurji : We may leave dharma, but dharma never leaves us. As long as we are alive and we are growing, we have to follow or do certain things, which in essence are nothing else but dharma – so we do need to follow them. It does not matter whether we call them dharma or not2.  Kamal Pasha can never deny dharma because his very existence is based on it and Quran is that where the collection of all those essential things of dharma can be found. Nevertheless, he may drive away all the anti-dharma things disguised in the mask of dharma – in fact he should rightly do that. Thus he can do away with all the misinterpretation of Quran, but not Quran itself. This applies to Japan and Russia as well. There dharma may not exist for the sake of its name, however it must exist there in all their activities, otherwise there could not be any development there.
Foot notes:
1 – "In our large cities the population is godless, materialized – no bond, no feeling, no enthusiasm."   – R. W. Emerson
2 – "This much I know looking after seventy – men without religion are moral cowards and mostly physical cowards too when they are sober. Civilisation cannot survive without religion. It matters not what name we bestow upon our divinity – without religion life becomes a meaningless concatenation of accidents." Bernard Shaw
Ref: Nana Prasange Vol.1, Ninth Edition, Dec-2001, Page 16-17]

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