Wednesday, April 27, 2011

SRISRITHAKUR on 'Miracles' and 'mysteries'

Question : People say you have done a lot of miraculous and mysterious things – how do you do them?

Shri Shri Thakurji : I do not know about anything miraculous or mysterious – neither have I ever done anything of that sort. There seems to be sheer lack of sense in what people talk about. What I am is only what you see. We think something as mysterious only when we do not know what is causing it1. You write in shorthand2. It is strange to me as I do not know what it is. When I practised Homeopathy, I used to think in my mind about the medicines, about the causes of diseases, about different patients.
One day as I was going to visit a patient walking through a road in Kasipore,  I saw a Muslim man coming from the direction of Pabna market. He was carrying a basket on his head and few baby Sareng fish in his hand. Looking at him, the image of a Homeopathy medicine `veratrum album' flashed through my mind. Immediately I went to him and said, `brother, do not eat these fish at any cost, you are going to have a serious stomach disorder.'  Hearing this he said, `Allah has given birth to me, one day I have to die' and off he went. I too headed towards my own destination. After finishing my visit to the patient, I came back home. Soon after, a relative of that man came to me and informed that he had bowel motion for a couple of times, his hands and feet were cold and he was feeling nausea and cramped. It seemed after returning from Pabna, he washed his hands and feet and just as he sat down to smoke hubble-bubble, he felt a commotion inside his stomach. He went to toilet. Then he started to feel dizzy and began sweating on the forehead. After a while he went to toilet again. At this point he started panicking and sent his relative to call me immediately. So I went there and gave him `veratrum album - 30'. He got cured. He, however, did not believe that I cured him through medicine. He started telling people that I had supernatural power.

Question : As soon as you saw that man you felt he could suffer from cholera – how did you attain such an exceptional ability of observation?

Shri Shri Thakurji : When a man gets sincerely engaged with something and start to apply that, it brings him experience. From experience grows common sense, which finally turns into an instinct. I think this might be the case with me.
Foot notes:
1 – "It is true, man sees more of the things themselves when he sees more of their origin; for their origin is part them and indeed the most important part of them. Thus they become more extraordinary by being explained. He has more wonder at them but less fear of them. For a thing is really wonderful when it is significant and not when it is insignificant."   – `St. Francis of Assisi' by G. K. Chesterton

2 – The person asking the question to Shri Shri Thakur is Shri Indranath Chowdhury, a Free Press reporter. He was using shorthand to note down His answers.

Ref: Nana Prasange Vol.1, Ninth Edition, Dec-2001, Page 19-20]

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