Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Love Sri Sri Thakur through your own Ideal

This is a memory of my high school days.  while I was in Orissa, there was a Sanskrit teacher who was my favorite teacher among all. Apart from text subjects, he used to teach me Indian and Orissian history, Jagannath culture, mythological stories and also many Sanskrit  scripts from Veda, Upanishads. He also used to teach me Oriya literature with a comparison study between Sanskrit and Oriya. It is due to his blessings that to-day being in a engineering professional field,  I am still having a little or more interest to do some literary work in Oriya and Sanskrit aswell.
Once he (My Sanskrit teacher) asked me a very interesting  question that,  â€œthou I believe in my heart that Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra himself is supreme God in human form, but still I can’t accept Sri Sri Thakur as my Ideal or as the lord of my  life as I have already chosen my  Lord to Sri Jagannath or Sri Krishna.â€�  At that time, I was arguing with my respected teacher with my little knowledge that I had.  I was telling him some stories about Sri Sri Thakur that how the true devotees had seen Sri Sri Thakur as Lord Krishna, Lord Jagannath, Lord Rama, Lord Jesus etc. , what I had heard before from my Ritwik, my father and other gurubhais . But at that time, I was not getting any exact quote or sayings of Sri Sri Thakur regarding the same to refer as he (my teacher) was not interested to listen any miracle of Thakur like giving Darshan to devotees as Lord Rama or Lord Krishna, it is because he (my teacher)  had already believed that Sri Sri Thakur is supreme Godhead like Lord Jagannath or Lord Krishna .
But in my later days I got the answer of my question from Sri Sri Thakur’s philosophy, and I am narrating the same.
One American Christian lady named Helen Bailey came to Sri Sri Thakur at Deoghar to have His holy Darshan.  She got delighted by seeing  Sri Sri Thakur surrounded with many devotees . She also  got astonished  to find many Christian  and Muslim devotees among with other Hindu devotees having a great love to each other. She asked , Oh Thakur !! I am very much impressed by seeing the sense of brotherhood that you have created among with all of your devotees, definitely I believe you posses a supreme power like other prophets of history. But Thakur, I am a sincere follower of Jesus Christ, so how could I accept you with my sincerity towards  my lord “Jesus Christâ€�.
Sri Sri Thakur replied her with a sweet smile on His lotus lip, Maa !! I am a foolish man, I don’t know any philosophy but in my foolishness  I believe that  one can become a true Christian, if he or she is having a strong love to Jesus Christ. So I say, a true Christian should love Christ (Jesus) first and through Jesus love all the prophets. I do believe that, all the sayings of all the prophets are same in essence. Their teachings are always same which work like eternal existential tune for  life and growth of every individuals. I think convergence is better than conversion. After that Sri Sri Thakur gave a quote (Vani) in a poetic manner in English:-
“Do love Christ for the sake of Christ .
Think all true prophets as Christ
Follow and fulfill that one in whom
Christ lives with meaning and mercy
This, I believe, is the essence
Of Christianity for the world.� (Ocean in a Teacup, Page-345)
Sri Sri Thakur’s philosophy is just like a ocean in which all the rivers of every religion have fallen. Accepting Sri Sri Thakur, does not mean to leaving one’s previous Ideal or Guru. Actually all the previous prophets or Gurus are fulfilled on ideology of Sri Sri Thakur. If anyone really follows to his or her own Ideal  with true love and adherence, definitely a time will come,by the command of inner soul, he/she has to come at the lotus feet of Sri Sri Thakur, the present prophet of this age, as the aim of every river to be merged with ocean.
Later, I told to my school teacher, Sir, I love Sri Sri Thakur through Lord Jagannath and See Lord Jagannath in Sri Sri Thakur and also I see Sri Sri Thakur in Lord Jagannath, because for me  they are one and I believe Jeevan-nath (Lord of my life) is Jagannath (Lord of universe) himself .  For me Sri Sri Thakur is my ideal and lord of my life who is lord of universe himself. Can’t you accept Sri Sri Thakur on my methordology??
Sir embrace me in affection…..!!!
Thanks and Regards
Bijaya Ketan Sahu
 this is taken from website. thanks to the writter for that type of article

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