Saturday, April 30, 2011

What is a Guide?

What is a Guide? This Guide seems to be the root of all conflicts.

Shri Shri Thakur : He, in whom the doctrines of being and becoming have got revealed or had got revealed, is verily the Guide or Guru. That is why all Gurus are same. He, who gives such doctrines directly to someone, is his Ideal, Guru or Guide. He is the one to be followed and all others (from past) are to be revered, to be adored. Discussion on their life and work makes us unimpeded and integrated with our principles. As a result progress freely accompanies us1.

Hanumaan seemed to have said,

``Shrinaathe Jaanakinaathe avedha paramaatmani |

Tathaapi mama sarwasya Raam kamal-lochana ||''

(Even though Shrinaath i.e. Shri Krishna and Jaanakinaath i.e., Shri Raam are the manifestations of the same Supreme Soul, still lotus-eyed Raam means everything to me)

Wherever there is conflict amongst Guru-hood, there lies its definite denial– be it between Hindus, Muslims, Christians or Buddhists. One should always shun such association where there is denial of devotion towards Guru, because it invites downfall. There is no Guru-hood in such association, rather the opposite is found there. However, where there is real Guru-hood, one should justly offer his devotion and service there, envisioning different forms or images of his own Ideal, Guru or Guide.

Kabir has said,

"Sabse rasiye sabse basiye

Sabkaa lijiye naam |

Haanji haanji karte raho

Baitthey apnaa thaam||"

(Appreciate all, give company to all, take everyone's name; do accept others' point of views remaining firm in your place)

Without being disrespectful to other Gurus, if one remains devoted and adhered to his own Guru, then all genuine Gurus become satisfied with him. So it is said, "sarva devomayo guru"(Guru is the embodiment of all divine beings).

Foot notes:

1 – "We need not fear any excessive influence. A more generous trust is permitted. Serve the great. Stick at no humiliation. Grudge no offence thou canst render. Be the limb of their body, the breath of their mouth. Compromise thy egotism, never mind the taunt of Boswellism. Be another; not thyself, but a Platonist; not a soul, but a Christian; not a naturalist, but a Cartesian; not a poet but a Shakespearian.". – from `Uses of Great Men' by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

[Ref: Nana Prasange Vol.1, Ninth Edition, Dec-2001, Page 11-12]

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