Wednesday, April 27, 2011

SriSriThakhur on Meditation and chanting naam (Taken from NANA PRASANGE)

From your biography I came to know that in your childhood you used to frequently chant name. It seems by chanting of name too one can develop such power (of keen observation). What does chanting of name really mean? Why did you use to do it?

Shri Shri Thakur : In Patanjali it is said, `tajjapah-tadartha bhaavanancha' (chant His name contemplating upon its inner meaning)1.  Chanting of name means the name, which needs to be chanted, should be repeatedly uttered in mind meditating upon its meaning or meditating about Him (Who the name gets fulfilled in). When a word is continuously uttered in our mind, it excites our brain cells  by transmitting constant impulses through the nerves. As a result the cells become much more sensitive than what they are usually found to be. These extra sensitive brain cells make it possible to slowly perceive all those impulses which were beyond comprehension earlier.

Moreover, by continually thinking single-mindedly about the Beloved or meditating upon Him with attachment, the sensitive brain cells get adjusted in such a way that not only they respond to impulses, but become receptive too, which means they also become capable to continuously carry on impulses. By chanting the onomatopoeic or the root names like `Kling', `Aum' etc, the sensitiveness of brain cells increases and by meditating upon an image (of Beloved) our nerves become receptive.

So, now you can easily see how developed, how deeper our observations can grow into. The way this can happen from chanting of name and meditation, cannot happen otherwise. However, it is important to note that, the One, Who the name gets fulfilled in, is only to be meditated upon or followed because each and every mental state that gets excited by the utterance of the name, is found readily revealed in His physical expression

Foot notes:

1 –    "The most beautiful names belong to Allah (God): so call on Him by them;..." (Quran 7:180)
"Allah! there is no God but He! To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names." (Qur'an 20:8)
"Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him. (Psalms 68:4)

Ref: Nana Prasange Vol.1, Ninth Edition, Dec-2001, Page 20-22]

But looking at the Bengali community we see that other than nervous debility nothing much has happened to them through chanting of Name?

Shri Shri Thakur : This is like talking about going to the house of in-laws without having married. What is the point of discussing on the quality of food when the cook has no experience at all? It is an eternally known fact that by chanting name nervous debility can be overcome. This is very well mentioned in the scriptures of Ayurveda in different places and in different ways. Rather, if someone is truly debilitated due to wrong doings, it is generally difficult for him to practise meditation and chanting of Name. That is why in Brahmacharyaashram, where furtherance of life and growth through elevated thinking used to take place, there was clear guidance about practising meditation and chanting of Name with specific view of keeping sound health of body and mind.

Those who have poor health, how will they perform dharma?1 To perform dharma one has to base his tapasyaa (religious asceticism) and saadhnaa (spiritual pursuit) on the foundation of sound health. This is why, I guess, Shri Chaitanyadev advised meditation and chanting of Name along with singing and dancing. When someone becomes indolent, benumbed and gets into poor health, one of the primary ways he can be goaded towards the path of growth is through singing of Name (Naam-Keertan) along with music and dancing.

However, if this singing and dancing are improper then it is quite possible to get debilitated. This is similar to the frequently seen case where one damages his health by improper workouts with dumbbell or mallet to the extent of inviting incurable diseases. This is applicable to everyone. Is it not the case?

Foot notes:

1 – " Shariram adyam khalu dharma sadhanam" [verily, the body is the primary means for fulfilling dharma]

Ref: Nana Prasange Vol.1, Ninth Edition, Dec-2001, Page 23-24]

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